Institutional Child Care Support & Intervention Programs

Institutional Child Care center (Holistic care and support)

The supports include but not limited to: Provision of shelter, Food and nutrition, clothing, Health care and medication, education, psychosocial support and others. Bridge of Hope Gondar Children’s Village is one of the fewest orphanages in the country which successfully fill the gap and short comings of many institutional childcare centers by applying a principle of “family-based approach” in providing holistic care and support for orphan and vulnerable children.

Holistic childcare is an inclusive childcare approach considering all factors that affects the overall development of a child. BoH institutional childcare center provides holistic care and support for 70 orphans and vulnerable children (Male 33, Female, 37 total, 70) among the 70 children 22 of them are kids who are below 6 years old, (Male, 11 Female, 11 Total, 22) there are 12 Dorm the four dorms are for the boys and the four are for the girls and in one dorm from 3 up to 9 children lives .The three dorms are for the infant children. All children need close attention, and they have 8 mother and 6 care givers to give intensive care and love, and compassionate and emotional attachment for all children.

A total number of 185 Children grew up in the children village from its establishment which 110 of them ought to leave the children village 54 are mail and 56 are female and became re-integrated with their extended families by the time they reached the age of 17 and above. 54 of these children could successfully join the higher universities and are studying Medicine, Civil, Mechanical and Architectural engineering, Social science, Computer science, Low and other divisions in the universities of Gondar, Adama, Jima, Adigrat, Wolaita, Asosa, Benshangul and Mekele cities. We had also been able to send one child to China to study Architectural Engineering and two of our children had been lucky to be taken by their extended families who are living in Netherland for their further study.

BoH success stories, and lessons learned from the last two decades proved that successful physical, mental, psychological, social and spiritual need and development of an orphan and highly vulnerable child can be achieved through provision of holistic childcare by means of family type childcare approach.

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